Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude

I believe that being grateful for all of the things in our lives, be they great or small, widens the channels that more blessings are sent to us through. By being grateful we allow ourselves to receive more to be grateful for.

At this minute, here are the first five things that come to mind that I am grateful for:

1) I have a loving wife
2) I have an awesome son
3) I have a good roof over my head
4) The rain is bringing more life to my surroundings, and with it, more fresh air
5) I have a tranquil little fountain on my desk; it has a small zen garden that I like to gaze into from time to time

If we are not grateful for the things that we have in our lives, how can we consider ourselves deserving of receiving more? I encourage you to think for a moment and genuinely be grateful for the blessings in your life, great or small. I challenge you to start off every day by thinking about the things you count as blessings. Develop an attitude of gratitude.

I am grateful that you are here reading this message right now, and I am grateful for anyone that I have inspired to in turn be grateful.

You are welcome to reply to this post with the things you are grafetul for.

With love and gratitude,