Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Star Trek is Great

I know this isn't typical of my other posts, but it's good to branch out and explore other areas. For example, a short article about why I like Star Trek.

First, it's sci-fi. I don't really care if the science involved isn't sound. A lot of it probably isn't, but I can't say with certainty that none of it is. My experience is far too limited for that. Storylines? Some of them are thin and tenuous at best. Don't even get me started on some of the Star Trek movies! The first one is one of the most fetid pieces I have seen in recent history. There's so little material there, I doubt they could find enough to riff on over at RiffTrax. I'm serious, it is a major stink heap. Most of the dialog in the movie consists of orders being issued and followed out. Dull, inane, and boring. A major snore, and it was far too long! And who needs to see another episode of Captain Kirk chasing after some new scantily clad woman? I'm sure his conquests must be in violation of the Prime Directive, which is not to interfere with life on other planets. Or am I getting confused here and thinking of Star Ocean? The line blurs somewhere for me there.

So, are you still with me? After all, you just read several things that are certainly weak points in both the television series and the movies. Here it is, what I love about Star Trek: it's about peace and harmony not only within the human race, but among a very diverse plethora of interstellar species. A very progressive idea indeed! It seems we have difficulty achieving tolerance towards people whom we don't agree with, let alone peace on a planetary scale. This is pretty awesome stuff. I know, I know, the Federation is a military outfit. I think we can forgive them for being the galactic police, except with the decisions are entirely political and not to everyone's best benefit.

So, why is Star Trek great? It's about people. It's about peace. It's about harmony. It's about reaching out to other civilizations with an open hand extended in friendship. It's about doing away with exploitation.

And of course, having been a computer geek for far too long, my favorite character is Data from The Next Generation. I think it's his wonderment - if you can call it that - of the human race, which is is designed to emulate, that speaks to me. There's so much purity to his character, it is endearing. It's also interesting to note his desire to feel what a human feels. It's almost like a poetry.

So there you have it, a few reasons why I like Star Trek.